Hoax busters

Sorry, The Restaurant Receipt Left By.
This site is a useful starting point for researching a possibly hoax email. The World Wide Web is full of excellent sites you can visit to quickly and easily
hoaxbusters.de ist ein Informationsangebot über Hoaxes und andere moderne Sagen. “Hoax”, das kommt vom lateinischen “hocus”, und das wiederum bedeutet

The definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation
Dolly Buster Wikipedia TU-Berlin * Hoax-Info Service
Hoax busters
Hoax Busters - the BIG LIST of Internet.
snopes.com: Urban Legends Reference Pages
The restaurant receipt that a California banker purportedly used to denigrate a waitress--while also leaving her a one percent tip--was wildly “altered and
Hoax Busters - Frequently Asked Questions
Dolly Bastards HoaxBuster - Vérifier l'information en.
Première ressource francophone sur les hoax (canulars) du web. Permet d'identifier tout message susceptible d'être un hoax.
Hoax-Info Service: Infos ueber Viren, die keine sind (Hoaxes) und Kettenbriefe
Hoax busters
hoaxbusters.de | Wir Haben Keine Angst Vor GespensternHoax Buster - debunking hoax emails at an.
Début 2013, c'est l'effroi sur la Côte d'Azur, une panthère noire aurait été aperçue en liberté. La presse régionale s'en fait l'écho et l'info est relayée.
Hoax Busters has been debunking hoaxes, scams and urban legends since 1999. This is an alphabetical list of Internet hoaxes, scams and e-mail chain letters. If it's
||RETURN TO THE BIG LIST|| These are questions sent to Hoax Busters that, by their very nature, require a more detailed explanation than is found on the BIG LIST.